The memory saga is the opening saga of Dragonball Ultimate Tenkaichi Budoukai, the series made by Owni that is based after Grand Tour. The memory saga is basically about the past. It is the story behind Goku's unimaginable strength and why he was really sent to earth. There are a few familliar faces e.g. Vegeta, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Zarbon, Dodoria, Nappa, Raditz and Bardock. And also alot of new faces. The main new ones are Zoniato Goku's best friend, Kamarlia son of Nappa and Vegeta's best friend, Owni(where i got my name from) and tons more. In the begining Goku, in his proper time with Chi Chi, Pan, Gohan etc, then when he goes to sleep he finds himself in a sort of dream. He wakes to see Raditz and when the camera goes onto him it reveals a small boy around 5(yes goku may appear a baby when he arrives on earth but in this grandpa gohan said that as a lie in order to look after him so he didn't go to an orphinage). There is a junior tournment going on and Goku(known as Kacarotto in the saga) enters with Zoniato and Owni. Vegeta also enters with Kamarlia. They have the draw and guess what numbers Goku and Vegeta draw.....Goku draws 11 and Vegeta draws 12. As if they were replaying dbz's Tournment saga. The rest is basically the tournment until two strange men are constantly watching Goku, Vegeta and Zoniato. Eventually they attack them and another strange man rescues Goku and Zoniato. Zoniato refuses to leave Vegeta and sacrifices himself in order to save Goku. Frieza appears on the scene and Raditz and Bardock grab Goku and shove him in a pod and send him to earth in order to save him from Frieza's men. They tell everyone that they sent him away to earth to destroy it but they actually didn't. Shortly after Raditz and Nappa fly off to destroy a planet and Vegeta is kidnapped then in the background you see the planet Vegeta get destroyed. I will not give away anymore.
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