This page is all about me Owni! Enjoy.
/____ \ Arh. Owni, he is from the Owni Saga and a siasios. He is one tough saiya-jin.
Which Anime's I like:
1. Dragonball/Z/GT
2. Gundam Wing
3. Yu-Gi-Oh
4. Trigun
5. Bubblegum Crisis
6. Bubblegum Crash
7. Ranma
8. Neon Genesis Evangelion
Thats it. I know it is nothing compared to Gouka's list but what the hey i don't like the girly anime's like Sailor Moon and Magic Knights Rayearth.
/____ \ This Guy is Badushi, he is a saiya-jin from the Bandit Saga. He wasn't originally going to be in DBUTB but a Gouka's friend created him and we gave him a place in the series.
The music playing in the background is not actually my favourite anime music, but it does have a good beat. It is Fusion from the japanese version of Dragonball Z.
My favourite characters from the first 3 animes o my list would have to be:
Videl, Vegeta and Cell from Dragonball Z,
Milliado Peacecraft/Zechs Marquise, Duo Maxwell and Troa Barton from Gundam Wing
And finally Yugi, Bocaura and Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh.
I am soon going to put up my Dragonball series which is the follow on from Dragonball Grand Tour. It is called Dragonball Ultimate Tenkaichi Budoukai. The names of each sagas are:
1. Memory Saga
2. Zevi Saga
3. Gorotoy Saga
4. Chelko Saga
5. Council Saga
6. Owni Saga
7. Bandit Saga
8. Blooming Saga
9. Siasios Saga
10. Twins Saga
11. Ultimate Saga
The reason i called it Ultimate Tenkaichi Budoukai is because in the second saga which is the Zevi Saga, there is an announcement about a tournment coming up in 4 years. It will detemine the champion of the every single tournment that there has been, also it will be the final one. All past competitors of the tournments e.g. Hercule, Goku, The Supreme Kaio, Jackie Chun, Trunks. Will be allowed to enter. And there will be new fighters allowed to enter aswell. This tournment will separate the men from the boys!
Got any questions?
If so then email me with the link at the left had side of this text.